Water Conservation
Why is UAJA Unique?
It is somewhat unique for a wastewater collection and treatment authority to promote water conservation (since less water to treat means less income).
University Area Joint Authority’s geographical location in the fragile Spring Creek Watershed makes water conservation an issue of concern.
Spring Creek Watershed
State College, Pennsylvania is a vibrant and growing community near the headwaters of Spring Creek, a high quality, cold water fishery. The high quality designation of Spring Creek by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection places strict limitations on both the quality and volume of treated effluent discharge allowed from UAJA. A discharge volume cap of 6 million gallons per day has been established.
Spring Creek is the only major surface water discharge source in UAJA’s service area. Current zoning in UAJA’s service area already predicts an eventual influent flow to UAJA of over 8 million gallons per day.Water conservation measures promoted by UAJA could lower this predicted influent flow, delaying or eliminating the need for expensive capital improvements (expansion) to its treatment facility. These measures could result in significant savings to UAJA customers over time.
Conservation Goals
University Area Joint Authority Water Conservation Goals
Learn More
Visit the websites below for more information about the Spring Creek Watershed in Centre County, PA.